“Excellent conference and content. I recommend it highly.”
“Warm, lively, entertaining lectures. I am an Emergency Physician who sees many people after exotic travel and I travel often.
“Warm, lively, entertaining lectures. I am an Emergency Physician who sees many people after exotic travel and I travel often.
“Very informative and enjoyable. Excellent, well-informed, entertaining –speakers. Great Text!”
“Can’t Recall Course where uniformly had so many excellent speakers – especially David Warrell.
“Fantastic conference. My second experience with ExpedMed. I went two years ago and was so enthusiastic about it that I told many people about it and recruited as many people as I could. The speakers who came of course were ALL EXCELLENT!
“As a US Navy Survival Instructor and Medic, most of the information will have some factor in not only my teaching of survival techniques but in planning operations and conducting medical coverage of these operations.”
Joel Walker, MD, Military: Aerospace Physiology/Emergency Medicine Virginia Beach, VA
“In the ER we frequently see returning travelers. Bites, fevers, rashes- having more info from these info lectures will be helpful in quick recognition of certain conditions. Very enjoyable, very informative. Friends thought I was joking when I told them what a great time I was having at a conference. Definitely worthwhile!”
Megan Martin, Emergency, Arlington, VA
“This conference was outstanding! The quality of instructors and information is second to none. I hope to make attendance to ExpedMed a yearly happening! Loved the case studies! I love the fact that all of the presenters have experience. They’re not just talking about theories. They’ve been there, done that.”
Julie Chase, BS, NREMT-P, Aluting Support Contractor, Vienna, VA
“Thank you for another extraordinary ExpedMed Conference. I’ve never been to another conference that provides so much practical, readily useable information! The speakers are excellent, very engaging, with good lecture styles.”
Amber Tyler, Omaha, NE
“One of the best conferences I’ve ever attended. Appreciate the selection criteria of speaking ability as well as experience and education.”
K. Scot Mohr PA, Renton, WA
“I really enjoyed the pace and lecture style. The full day/half day format was perfect!”
James Clark MD, Atlanta, GA
“This conference is taught by very professional physicians who are, in one way or another, a different breed of doctor. It has application for military audience, while limited, that are quite informative. Dr. Ling’s brief on Neuro was amazing. It’s not every day you have a brain surgeon teach you how to manage neurological injuries in language you can understand!”
Keith Daris, San Diego, CA
“A superb collection of speakers and topics! At once made me more anxious and fearful for travel. A great relief from the tedium of diabetes/hypertension. Also, the conference attracted a diverse and fascinating group of people!”
Robert Kiefner MD, New Hampshire
“I am a retired physician but travel and informally advise people about travel health issues. The text is an excellent resource – thank you!”
Frank Mowry MD, San Diego, CA
“This was the best CME course I’ve ever attended! Very interesting topics and very useful! Thank you for the textbook! The organizers/voices on the phone were extremely pleasant! Very well run.”
James Koren MD, New Hampshire
“Very well done – well organized! Great venue! Speakers are excellent. I would recommend this course and plan to attend again!
Craig Hollinger MD, California
“This was a wonderful conference! For the first time, I’ve met so many doctors who also like wilderness and adventure! The speakers were amazing!”
Margaret Budzianowska-Kwiatkowski MD, British Columbia
“This conference is truly one of the best I have attended in 50+ years of actively practicing medicine. Dr. Warrell was indeed a treat – I was excited and honored to be able to attend his lectures! All of your speakers were outstanding. The material was very interesting and useful to my activities.”
Joseph English MD, Pennsylvania
“This was the first conference I’ve attended where I’ve gone to ALL the lectures and looked forward to the next day! The speakers were great – knowledgeable, passionate about what they do, entertaining. I also like the historical info on the infectious diseases and the personal adventure stories.”
Alexia Gordon MD, Virginia
“Outstanding speakers – best in their fields for this type of content. Very practical, user-friendly information. I appreciated the textbook! Most of the information will be very useful – I am a member of the National Ski Patrol and frequently teach programs on environmental emergencies in my emergency/trauma nursing practice – this conference updated my knowledge! I really appreciated the cutting edge info!” Linda Laskowski
Jones RN, MS, ACNS-BC, Delaware
“Sorry, all 5s on the evaluation doesn’t help much, but it was that awesome!”
Mark Schwab MD, San Diego, CA
“Thank you very much for the textbook! It will be situated in a prominent location on my boat in my travels to the South Pacific!”
Patricia Rantos NP, Seattle, WA
“Great speakers! Even though I have never been on an expedition, I see many patients who travel to remote areas and often see tropical diseases despite proactivity in New York. The Self Rx was great, I’ve never heard a similar lecture. It was unique and incredibly useful!”
James Darling MD, New York
“As an EMT and member of the National Ski Patrol who enjoys hiking, backpacking, and travel, the program provides excellent practical information for current and future adventures. All the speakers were outstanding – the variety of topics was excellent.”
Larry Jones NREMT, Delaware
Dr. Callahan’s lectures were fascinating. This was a fabulous conference! It was my first exposure to ExpedMed or any of this genre. I am an FP in Virginia, and interested/involved in medical missions to Honduras as well as vell involved with Cub Scouts. So many of these topics were well-covered and helpful to me. I am less of an expeditionist and more of a missionary type, so I would love to see some mission info added. However, the medevac info, water purification, and all of Dr. Warrell’s lectures were fabulous! Thank you and I will come again!”
Laura Higdon MD, Virginia
“Excellent! Very practical and useful information! Well-published and experienced speakers who make the subject interesting.”
Frank Nuar MD FACEP, Virginia
“This conference exceeded my expectations! Interesting, educational, and enjoyable speakers. I look forward to coming back! I’m a 4th year EM resident and have participated in several missions trips to locations including Honduras and the Dominican Republic. This has been very informative and helpful. I’m also looking for out-of-hospital opportunities in which to become involved after residency and this has been helpful to show me what is available. Several lectures have provided information I can share with residents and attending at my hospital. I also plan to use as I continue on out of country missions trips.”
Aaron Kelly EM Resident, Pennsylvania
“Great course! Definitely opened my eyes to expedition medicine and I found that many topics will be useful in my professional and personal activities. I am an Air Force family physician currently stationed in Southern Turkey. I was looking for an applicable and interesting course for CME. I am very happy with my choice to travel here for this conference! It also left me with great resources to look to as there are few where I live currently.”
Angela Jenny DO, Turkey

“Great experience…incredible speakers who have traveled all over the world and are speaking and educating from firsthand experience…lessons learned are priceless! Thank you."
Sapna Parikh, MD, Fox News Medical Correspondent, New York, New York
“All the speakers possessed strong academic backgrounds, real life “street credentials,” and brought excitement to their presentations. Living abroad, hostile geopolitical environments, shark experts, Secret Service docs, international venoms and toxins…the Expedition Medicine conference was more than just CME credits…you leave the conference armed with applicable medical fundamentals. Through the conference, I gained a whole new respect for the United States military and their medical research. Although I have attended numerous excellent conferences in related fields, the Expedition Medicine conference was the summit!!!”
James Adkins, MD, Anesthesiology & Travel Medicine, Atlanta, Georgi
“An excellent conference…will set the standard for this emerging specialty…an outstanding networking opportunity."
Maurus Sorg, MD, MPH, Emergency Medicine, St. Marys, Pennsylvania
“Great conference…first class…the first CME event I have ever attended where I felt I got my money’s worth."
Richard Knight, MD, Emergency Medicine, Ft. Worth, Texas
“An exceptional conference…excellent!”
Dan Meigs, MD, Emergency Medicine, Washington, DC
“Excellent conference. Keep up the good work!”
Eric Meyer, MD, Anesthesiology, Steamboat Springs, Colorado
“First class event.”
Captain Steve Trenosky, EMT, United States Army, Washington, DC
“…the faculty was awesome!”
Joan Beckwith, MD, Internal Medicine, Merion Station, Pennsylvania
“Great conference!”
Steve Kriss, MD, Family Practice, United States Navy, Washington, DC