Lifestyle Design

Physicians & Lifestyle Design

Over on Freelance MD, I've posted a couple of articles about taking responsibility for yourself and "building your own ship" , and we've also gone through a few common reasons why physicians aren't the best at career modification.

In this post, I'd like to spend a little time introducing you to the idea of "lifestyle design," something that has become a bit of a buzz-phrase in the business world but as far as I can tell hasn't penetrated the world of medicine just yet (for a lot of reasons).

I'll begin with a personal story...

When I jumped off the academic track in 2006, I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to do as a career but I knew I wanted something unique.  My idea was to design a career that was flexible, fun, adventurous, and meaningful, all the while paying my bills and being a responsible spouse and parent.  Simple, huh?

I spent months thinking about how to do this as a physician.  I searched websites and blogs.  I spoke with mentors and colleagues.  I read the literature, all to no avail.  There seemed to be no conversation about a career like this in medicine.  I mean, there were a few articles about volunteer opportunities or non-traditional careers, but nothing really like what I was trying to create.  

What I found, though, was that while the medical community was silent about how to develop a very non-traditional and interesting career, the business world had already awakened to the idea.  Within the world of business, the idea of becoming a "free agent" and overhauling your career through "lifestyle design" was beginning to pick up steam. 

Around this time I picked up a copy of the book Free Agent Nation by Daniel Pink.  I'm not sure how I found this book, but it became a sort of manifesto for me.  In this book, Dan explains how more and more individuals were escaping their cubicles to become independent free-lancers and living their lives with increasing flexibility and empowerment.  It was a great read and it hit me at a very important time.  Through this book I realized that I was not alone in my desire for more autonomy, and that a lot of workers who had already yanked themselves off the grid were thriving.  I was hooked.

The second book I read was a book that has become a bit of a cult classic already, Timothy Ferriss' text, The 4-Hour Workweek .  This book is a basic introduction to how Tim built a stream of residual income and then used his extra time and money to explore his interests and live a more interesting life.  It was Tim's book that introduced me to the term "lifestyle design," and while the phrase might seem a bit hokey, it's a very powerful concept.  Basically, what Tim discusses in his book is the idea that it is possible to live an incredible life if you prioritize correctly, live frugally, and develop your entrepreneurial side.  Some have criticized the book recently, explaining that no productive person-- not even Tim Ferriss himself-- really only works four hours a week-- but I would argue that that's not really the point.  The catchy title sells books, but it's the mindset Tim describes that is the reason why the book is an important introduction for individuals who feel helplessly caught in a hamster wheel at work.  Tim's point is that you can-- through ingenuity and hard work-- leap off the hamster wheel and into something much better.

So how does all this apply to physicians?

Well, when you have a career discussion with most physicians, it often boils down to whether or not that individual wants to continue practicing clinical medicine or go into a nonclinical job.  There's nothing wrong with either, mind you, and I have friends who have great careers in each; however, for me and for many other physicians, I suspect, this approach is just too simplistic.

The fact is, I like clinical medicine.  I've spent a of of time getting good at what I do and I'd like to continue to be able to help people by providing good clinical care to patients who need it.  I also like many aspects of the nonclinical opportunities available to physicians-- things like consulting, writing, medical device development, and many other niches really appeal to me.

My main question is not whether I want to practice clinical medicine or jump into a nonclinical career, it's how do I design my life to be able to practice medicine, participate in the nonclinical activities I enjoy, and still have the flexibility to pursue life outside of medicine?  Discussions about clinical versus nonclinical are at their core too reductionistic for most modern physicians.  What most modern physicians really need to be having are overarching discussions about how to design a lifestyle that incorporates the multiple facets of their career interests and also does not overlook the ultimate (and most likely unspoken) goals they have for their lives. This is a much deeper conversation, but one that is desperately needed today in this time of significant upheaval in our healthcare system.

So where do you begin if you're a physician and you are interested in exploring this idea of "lifestyle design?"

Well, don't go to the career advice section of your specialty journal and certainly don't go to the HR person at your hospital or academic institution.  

In my opinion, you should begin by checking out the conversations going on in other fields.  There are some incredible websites built around some really creative and interesting people who are living fascinating lives and teaching others how to do the same.  Check out the following as a starting point:

Once you immerse yourself in this culture you begin to see possibilities that you never would have realized before.  What's more, as a physician there are even more possibilities available to you than for the typical person, if only you'll step out and take a little risk.

Over the last few years this idea of lifestyle design has been a focal point of my thinking when it comes to career moves and ultimate goals.  I've invested a lot of time, cash, and sweat into learning how to build a unique career, and my hope with ExpedMed is that we can use this website as a vehicle to help other physicians, just like you, succeed in designing a lifestyle and career they truly enjoy. 

This post was also posted on Medical Spa MD, a site for cosmetic physicians and Freelance MD a nonclinical site for physicians.

Passport Health: Your Travel Medicine Franchise

For those interested in a career in Travel Medicine, one possibility is opening a travel medicine clinic through a franchise model with the company Passport Health.

Headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, Passport Health allows owners to buy into their franchise model and "own" a specific geographic region for development.  They currently have over 160 locations and their website mentions opportunities for the entrepreneurially-minded:

If you are a health care professional or entrepreneur with appropriate connections, we can help you achieve your dreams. Passport Health is an excellent business opportunity for the right individual. Passport Health is a simple, low-overhead service company, which provides immunizations to those about to travel to a foreign country. Basically, we are in the immunization business; we offer on-site services such as Flu and Hepatitis clinics. However, we also specialize in safety and security travel information. We are already a household name in many areas across the country, but there are plenty of great territories remaining.

A follow-up email from the company provided more specific information about their franchise opportunity:

We generally sell large territories, including a city and the surrounding counties, with the owner expected to open multiple offices over time.  Our franchise fee is $35,000.00, and it includes training (5 business days), videos, materials and the use of our exclusive software, Passageware.  There is no build-out and very limited start-up expenses. Owners consist of doctors, nurses, and entrepreneurs, with one hospital (Sentara in Norfolk) and one university system (University of Rochester School of Nursing).  Due to the hard work of the individual owners and our marketing team, we are constantly adding corporate accounts and our business model is ever expanding to include all areas of vaccines.

Besides being an interesting field, Travel Medicine is open to healthcare providers from a variety of backgrounds.  While many Travel Medicine providers are trained in Infectious Disease, I know physicians with many different backgrounds involved in Travel Medicine.  

For those interested in Travel Medicine and desiring increased training in this area, our ExpedMed courses are an excellent way to be exposed to this niche.  A prior post here on the ExpedMed blog described other, multi-month programs in Tropical Medicine that are also available for those with increased desire and more time to invest.

Lifestyle Design for Physicians

I wanted to say thanks to all the people who have come to our ExpedMed events over the past few years.  It's been a lot of fun and I've learned a lot from many of our participants.

At almost every event, I've heard from participants that they'd like to learn more about how to design a lifestyle that allows them significant time to participate in Wilderness Medicine activities.  This really shouldn't be a surprise.  Those who attend a Wilderness Medicine conference are likely to be interested in living a unique life (and vice versa).

In addition to running ExpedMed, I also write for , a website for physicians looking to broaden their careers.  I thought it would be a good idea to link over to some of the prior articles I've written for Freelance MD regarding lifestyle design. I'm not 100% sure those in the Wilderness Medicine community will benefit from this, but I suppose it doesn't hurt.

Anyway, below are some of the articles I've written.  Hope this helps.

Physician, Build Your Own Ship

3 Thoughts on Physicians & Career Modification

First Things First: Handle Your Finances as a Physician

Physicians & Lifestyle Design

Plan Your Non-Clinical Career Escape as a Physician

Physician: What Are Your Assets?

Physicians & Evil Plans

Physician Career Diversity & Matt Dancing Around the World