Freelance MD

New Personal Blog:

I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm developing a new personal blog called .

I already write for Freelance MD, the Medical Fusion Conference blog, and this blog here on the ExpedMed website, so why another blog?

Well, in sum, there are a number of issues that I want to address and stories that I want to tell that don't really fit into the other genres covered by my current blogs.  Instead of "goobering up" my current blogs with posts that really don't fit, I'm starting to have a place to store all these random thoughts and observations.

That's about it.  Thanks for following us on ExpedMed and hopefully I'll see you from time to time on the new site.  We appreciate your support.

Lifestyle Design for Physicians

I wanted to say thanks to all the people who have come to our ExpedMed events over the past few years.  It's been a lot of fun and I've learned a lot from many of our participants.

At almost every event, I've heard from participants that they'd like to learn more about how to design a lifestyle that allows them significant time to participate in Wilderness Medicine activities.  This really shouldn't be a surprise.  Those who attend a Wilderness Medicine conference are likely to be interested in living a unique life (and vice versa).

In addition to running ExpedMed, I also write for , a website for physicians looking to broaden their careers.  I thought it would be a good idea to link over to some of the prior articles I've written for Freelance MD regarding lifestyle design. I'm not 100% sure those in the Wilderness Medicine community will benefit from this, but I suppose it doesn't hurt.

Anyway, below are some of the articles I've written.  Hope this helps.

Physician, Build Your Own Ship

3 Thoughts on Physicians & Career Modification

First Things First: Handle Your Finances as a Physician

Physicians & Lifestyle Design

Plan Your Non-Clinical Career Escape as a Physician

Physician: What Are Your Assets?

Physicians & Evil Plans

Physician Career Diversity & Matt Dancing Around the World