Dr. Ken Kamler and Dr. Bruce Murphy
One of our ExpedMed faculty was in Little Rock this past weekend speaking at the Arkansas Heart Summit!
Dr. Ken Kamler was the keynote speaker at the Summit this year, an event that was attended by 400 clinicians from around the state of Arkansas. On Friday evening, Dr. Kamler told his gripping story of the 1996 blizzard on Mount Everest that claimed the lives of numerous climbers. Dr. Kamler was the only physician on the mountain that day, and his photos and anecdotes about the incident were riveting.
At the end of his talk, Dr. Kamler received a standing ovation from the crowd led by Dr. Bruce Murphy, CEO of the Arkansas Heart Hospital.
It was fantastic to have Dr. Kamler here in Arkansas, and it will be great to welcome him back to Little Rock this March 9-10, 2018 for the Expedition Medicine National Conference!
Mrs. Sara Bledsoe, Dr. Greg Bledsoe, and Dr. Ken Kamler at the Arkansas Heart Summit