Dr. David Freedman

2023 Expedition Medicine National Conference Agenda Posted!

The agenda for the 2023 Expedition Medicine National Conference is now posted!

We are pleased to include a number of interesting and diverse topics covering wilderness medicine, tropical medicine, travel medicine, snake envenomations, medical evacuations, and more.

Please refer to the agenda below for the full list of topics and speakers for our upcoming conference!

Friday, April 21st, 2023

8:00-9:00 am  The Expedition Physician, Donner

9:00-10:00 am  Malaria, Townes

10:00-10:15am  Break

10:15-11:15 am  Backcountry Medical Kits, Donner

11:15-12:15 pm  Travel Vaccines, Freedman

12:15-1:30pm  Lunch

1:30-2:30 pm  North American Snake Envenomations, Bush

2:30-3:30 pm  Viral Diseases in Travelers, Freedman

3:30-4:30 pm  Geospatial Technology in Humanitarian & Disaster Response, Greenough

4:30-5:30 pm  Disaster on Everest, Kamler


Saturday, April 22nd, 2023

8:00-9:00 am Backcountry Water Disinfection & Purification, Donner

9:00-10:00 am  Schistosomiasis, Freedman

10:00-10:15am  Break

10:15-11:15 am  High-Altitude Medicine, Donner

11:15-12:15 pm  International Snake Envenomations, Bush

12:15-1:30pm  Lunch

1:30-2:30 pm  Cruise Ship Medical Evacuation, Callahan

2:30-3:30 pm  Fever in the Returned Traveler, Freedman

3:30-4:30 pm Spider Bites, Bush

4:30-5:30 pm Wilderness EMS, Hawkins